[urq] Clutch or wastegate or what?

Ingo D. Rautenberg ingo at waratap.com
Wed Jan 7 15:01:36 EST 2004


Sounds like wastegate preload is on the low side.  Not evident so much in
lower gears, as maximum power (torque) is generated in gears 3-5 (mostly 3rd
and 4th gears).  So I would turn the screw down one turn at a time and road
test.  Even on modified cars (assuming Urq ECU), you shouldn't see more than
15-16 lbs boost.  If you've got a stuttering/cutting out at around 4k, then
you've gone too far and may want to back it off 1/2 turn or more (fuel pump

If you have the stock adjustment screw (allen head), then I believe it's
approx 1 cm (but as I'm driving the V8 today, I can't verify that) -- plus
none of my turbo cars are exactly stock ;-)

The whistle is the wastegate releasing what it is calibrated for as excess



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