[urq] Classic Auto Policy w/ Stated Value

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 21 12:14:39 EST 2004

just down this road with a few of my cars.  I had been carrying "regular" 
insurance on my Urq and more recently, 911, since ownership.  The cars have 
resided off site in a storage faciltiy for some time and rarely see the 
lower mileage 3,000-3,500 miles per year, required by most of these classic 
I had good luck w Hagerty, www.hagerty.com, came back @ 1/2 my current 
premiums.  I also tried www.classicins.com, but they wouldn't take the UrQ, 
though I believe a lister already uses them.
The paperwork I got from them on my 911, explicitly stated NO track events 
period, no errands, no to/from work, no use as back up transportation etc.  
As my cars are offsite, I tend to drive them for a few days when conditions 
warrant, then store again.  This would be a no-no with Classic so they are 
out.  Hagerty also does not even want the car in the driveway, well I don't 
have a garage, if I did, I wouldn't need storage1  Both require proof of 
alternate vehicles for codwellers of driving age.
Hagerty was about ~800 year for the Urq ($15K stated) and 911 ($24K) with 
50/100 liab, 50k uninsured, 1k med pay, no deductable on the UrQ 250 on 911. 
  Hagerty is available through Allstate as well.They require some back up of 
stated value claim etc.  So far they look like the winner.  Any BTDTs 

From: Andrew Finney <afinney1 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [urq] Classic Auto Policy w/ Stated Value
To: urq at audifans.com

Who was it in California that had a stated-value
classic car auto policy for their UrQ. I'm interested
in pursuing that for the '84 as it isn't driven much.
Any leads would be appreciated. Thanks.

Andrew Finney
1983 and 1984 UrQs.

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