[urq] The 2,000,000 Kit Car

John Koenig johnkoenig at greennet.net
Mon Jul 26 18:53:38 EDT 2004

Years ago, during the big boom in collectible car prices (before the
"correction"), there were rumors of Cobra owners (the real ones), jealous
about the prices Ferraris were actually bringing, getting together and
advertising their cars for prices in the neighborhood of $1 million.  Don't
know if it was really true.  Worst case: someone actually sells a car for
that kind of money!

The Devin guy is ... uh ... misguided.

----- Original Message -----
From: Robin Gilmour <quattroguy83 at yahoo.com>
Subject: [urq] The 2,000,000 Kit Car

> Dear Audifans:
> I saw an add in ebay for a Devin Sports Racers offered
> at a starting bid of 1.1 M dollars.  I thought it must
> be something really special.
> I contacted the guy and it turns out to be a kit car
> from the 50's.  The guy is convinced that it is really
> valuable.
> I have harassed the guy several times pointing out
> similiar cars with real race hertiage for around 30K
> to 75K.
> He won't budge and is convinced his car is worth $2.0
> million bucks.
> Maybe if we all form a unified front we can raise the
> selling price of all urq's for the betterment of
> humanity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> Robin
> 83 urq
> 83.5 urq
> 85 4000 racecar
> 97 A6
> 01 S4
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