[urq] New issues (cold bloodednesss)

tony chick chick_tony at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 27 11:15:56 EDT 2004

Hi all,
I have been driving my URq everyday and loving every minute of it....however it has started to act kinda funny.  It cold starts awsome catches on a half of a crank!  BUT for the first 3-4 minutes it idles very low and backfires into the intake untill warm.  Once the car warms up it run GREAT with an occational sputter in the higher rpms under boost.....
So here is what I found so far :
-No Vac leaks
-VERY interminante duty cycle...frequency valve buzzes but when I go to read the duty sometimes its there sometimes its not
-Systems and control pressue are right on the money
-Grounds on top of intake manifold were dirty but cleaned them up a bit
-Pulled the plugs and they appear to show signs of lean conditions (white)
Any input on intake backfire and interminate duty would be greatly appreciated.

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