[urq] Air Conditioning line soldering

q at IntendedAcceleration.com q at IntendedAcceleration.com
Sat Jul 31 00:23:58 EDT 2004

Contact a refigeration specialist, shop, supplier.  They use different stuff
depending on the material.  Silver Solder; Bronze with flux on the stick;
epoxy; and so on.
Ned Ritchie

Quoting Ben Swann <benswann at comcast.net>:

> I am reconfiguring a Coupe GT AC to be like the Ur Quattro setup for the
> turbo conversion I've been working on.  The UrQ line terminates near the
> firewall so I need to shorten the line by about 1' so am going to spice the
> end of the line on where I cut it close to the firewall.
> What kind of metal is this line?  It is .5" diameter and a 1/2" Copper sleeve
> (street fitting0 goes over it fine.  If it were copper line, I would just
> solder the two segments together and join with the sleeve(street fitting)
> using plumbers solder (lead/bismuth) and flux.  I'm wondering if this will
> work for the AC line as well, or is there some other kind of solder and/or
> fitting  and/or technique I should be using.
> Ben
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