[urq] UPG-CT 2004; another sucsess!

MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM mtsea at prodigy.net
Sun Jun 13 23:54:56 EDT 2004

Well another summer and another UPG event. First off I'd like to thank mother nature for providing a postcard perfect day. Sun shined all day with the temp at a cool 75 degrees. I think the final count was 17 Urqs ranging from a euro-spec 1981 up to Martin's bad-ass euro 20v turbo. Most of the Urq's were registered in CT with a handful of MA, ME, NY and of course 3 C.U.P. (Canadian Urquattro Posse) cars. It was great seeing the gang and some new faces to UPG. I apologize for not having more UPG stickers do to my print shop screwed me on the design. More are on the way and will be available on this site and AW. 
I'd like to thank Gary Brown who this year, due to his super busy schedule, pulled off another fantastic meal for everyone to enjoy ( That beef was so tender it was like eating a warm stick of butter and don't get me started on the shrimp scallop and callimari dish, three words come to mind, To Die For!). Also a big fat thanks goes to Felix Tang for supplying his house and beautiful landscape yet again. Thanks to Chris Semple for taking time out from his busy schedule to hang with us. Thanks to Brett Dikeman for what I can imagine some fantastic photos. Thanks to John Linkov for some extra copies of QQ. Thanks to Mike Sylvester for bringing down complete decal sets for the Urq (that's right Door, rear window, rear trunk and new white face guage decals). A big thanks to Brady, Martin and Frank for making the 7 plus hour commute from Canada.
Looks like UPG will be busy this year with 2 more events next week and a possible West Coast event in the works. UPG events will be taking place this month starting with June 20th at the Father's Day All German Car show at Museum of Transportation in Braintree, MA. Gary and others will be in attendance flying the UPG banner. Also UPG will be attending the Audifest show in Ayer Ma on the 26th. Mike Sylvester (who lives right down the street from the event) may have details and directions to the event later this week.And for those of you who want to make a road trip to the east for another UPG event, Lime Rock Vintage festival is labor day. It's a great weekend of classic race cars in a beautiful CT setting. We'll keep you posted on that front. Til then, enjoy Mike C.  

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