[urq] valence repair

Stephen Redford shr42 at msn.com
Wed Mar 3 05:34:03 EST 2004

-----  I would sure like to know if your repair , with the stuff from Eastwood , works .   I broke my front valence on a curb, and the body shops - All of them -  said that plastic welding and epoxy would not work on that material... No one knew what would work and none of them wanted to try ... It looks more like some kind of "rubber " rather than plastic to me , but if you have  success , I would sure like to know  .   I ended up buying a used one from Dad's , at considerable cost , and having a bodyshop prep. and paint it ... The whole deal cost a little more than $2000 !  .....  Stephen Redford

From: "Ingo D. Rautenberg" 

To: "Brandon Rogers" , 

Subject: Re: [urq] valence repair 

Date: Tue, 2 Mar 2004 16:42:25 -0500 


Found these at Eastwood Company: 


and the one from Deutschland: 



Of course, if you're just talking cracks, there's surely a fine and cheaper 

alternative.  I believe there is a strong and decent plastic repair in a 

tube (I may have some at home), but while it may work for you, MY vlalnce 

requires more extreme repair techniques. 


----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Brandon Rogers" 


Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 4:28 PM 

Subject: [urq] valence repair 

Hey guys- 

My poor valence has some damage from Steamboat excursions (despite my 1st 

priority - don't mess up the car!) and I'm thinking about ways to repair. 

Basically the lower section is cracked in a few places.  Seeing as how I 

plan to have a back-up valence (a la Ingo) I will play with this one--cut a 

bigger hole for intercooler flow and maybe a hole for more radiator flow -if 

necessary  - we'll see....I was thinking maybe using hobby 2-part epoxy and 

painting over with touch up.  Anybody know if epoxy will work?  I don't want 

the thing to look _too_ bad.... 




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