[urq] Speaker dilemma

Bob DAmato bob at audisport.com
Wed Mar 17 10:16:30 EST 2004

Thanks all for the speaker info. Yes I like the sound my UrQ makes as 
well, but it doesnt negate the fact that I want a stereo in the car. 
When youre on a hiway for several hours at a time you need music!  Also 
need weather/traffic conditions so not having  a stereo is impractical 
for me. Besides, when I want to listen to I5 overtures, I can just turn 
it off.  It looks like the thing to do is reupholster my FWD coupe 
panels to match my interior. Maybe even update them with some 
alcantera.  Then I wont feel so bad cutting holes in them.

Thanks for all the suggestions

Steve Marinello wrote:

>Now, I admit I can be somewhat...annoying to my wife and children in the S6
>or the urq, in that I prefer to concentrate on driving and don't want any of
>the wife;'s preferred music/noise (country or Disney) or the kids (pop rot,,
>or the other two)  as a distraction, BUT...when alone in the car,
>particularly the urq, when the drive is a drive and the engine is on song
>loud enough, there are certain great classic rock road songs and, of course,
>wonderful classical pieces that enhance the drive and make the smile even
>bigger.  Of course, if traffic rears its ugly head, the music gets turned
>down or off.  It's just  more fun/right to be serious about driving in the
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Phil Payne" <quattro at isham-research.com>
>To: <urq at audifans.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:49 PM
>Subject: Re: [urq] Speaker dilemma
>>>.. I prefer to listen to my URQ when we go for a drive, like you Wolff.
>>Porsche once defined a sports car as "a vehicle in which it is pointless
>to fit a radio".
>>I listen to my car for quite different reasons - it's a useful reminder to
>be in the right
>>gear, and to catch any little problems before they become big problems.
>>  Phil Payne
>>  http://www.isham-research.com
>>  +44 7785 302 803
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