[urq] where's this hose go?

Jim Haseltine jim_haseltine at ntlworld.com
Sat Mar 20 13:21:38 EST 2004

How about into the side of the air inlet dome?


Jim Haseltine

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Fitton" <rfitton at vt.edu>
To: "urq list" <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 20, 2004 6:12 PM
Subject: [urq] where's this hose go?

> It's a rubber hose, about one inch diameter.  One end is connected very
> securely to the valve cover, just aft of the Audi/VW logo.  The other
> end is connected to nothing.  It just goes down and hangs more or less
> over the front right axle.  I can't see anywhere that looks like it
> should plug in, but surely it doesn't just go nowhere.  Any comments,
> other than I'm an idiot for not noticing this sooner?
> -Cheers!
> Mike
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