[urq] IC to turbo substitute hose installed

Ed Kellock ekellock at adelphia.net
Sat Mar 20 23:07:09 EST 2004

Yes, it works great.  After a week of "putting" around town (yeah right ;-) to shake out the bugs, I drove up to Denver today to attend an ACNA tech session.  With the ABT knob turned all the way up, I can easily peg the VDO boost gauge at 15.  I guess I need to get a gauge that reads higher.  Anyway, no problems with the hose or anything else related to the recent work for that matter.

I do need to get after the clutch hydraulics though.  Didn't have enough to fully disengage when I got caught in a construction traffic jam.

This is my first experience with good boost in this car and my first experience with boost in a light car, i.e. not a type 44.  I'm loving it.

Colorado Springs

From: "Ingo Rautenberg" <IRautenberg at comcast.net>
Date: 2004/03/20 Sat PM 01:05:10 MST
To: <ekellock at adelphia.net>, 
	<urq at audifans.com>
Subject: Re: [urq] IC to turbo substitute hose installed


Glad it worked out for you.  That application post
"Light Truck
Dodge-Ram 2500 & 3500 Pickup
2001-1994 6Cyl 5.9L(359) Cummins Turbo Eng"

should help others where the store doesn't have a Goodyear No. cross
reference. I'll be replacing mine again soon after all I put it through at
Steamboat ;-)


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ed Kellock" <ekellock at adelphia.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 10:56 PM
Subject: [urq] IC to turbo substitute hose installed

> This hose seems to work quite well.  It is not a straight piece and the
bend in it seems quite well suited to the geometry of the ic to turbo
> I cut off a little over 4 inches of the end that fits the turbo.  Probably
could have cut off just a little less.  That would have allowed me to trim
the other end so it would fit on the intercooler a bit farther.  But all in
all, it seems to fit quite well.
> Both ends were a good snug fit, with the intercooler end being a fair
struggle.  My back is almost raw from laying under the car while engaged in
this hand-to-hose combat... ah ah ah, keep those minds out of the gutter
now.  ;-)
> Also, this hose does not rest against the back of the intercooler like my
old hose did.  Should allow a bit better flow I'd imagine.
> Ed
> Colorado Springs
> Have an urq answer? ... Please help others by adding to the KB ... all
contributions welcome!

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