[urq] Stebro Exhaust

garrick.c.zack at gm.com garrick.c.zack at gm.com
Wed Mar 17 10:15:26 EST 2004

Hello all,

I bought a Stebro exhaust for my 83 ur q last year and had some
difficulties installing it. The previous owner of my car had put in a
straight pipe where the cat used to be so I had to perform a cut to the
Stebro exhaust in order to get it to fit. I did not mind this as much as
the hardware not being included to mount this new rear muffler. Several
calls and weeks later I had the boltsand donut that I think I should of had
in the first place. Also, I have been receiving letters from a Canadian
collection agency attempting to collect taxes which Stebro had never
informed me of in the first place but assures me they paid. So, I was
wondering if anyone else had this many problems with the way customer
service had been handled - my experience was not great. After installation,
it also sounds like there is something vibrating loose in the muffler under
hard acceleration. I have no idea what this could be.

just a heads up,gz

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