[urq] Head work

Andrew Finney afinney1 at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 30 10:46:59 EST 2004

>>>>Anyone know of a reputable shop to have head work
done in the So Cal 
I guess I could ship it out if it was worth it.  
Also, I've heard I 
can drop 
in valves from a NG code motor, good upgrade.   What
about getting a NG 
and swapping my WR cam into it?

Mike Bond

Mike, I did the NG head upgrade with my MC in the '83.
Good intake valve upgrade but you'll need to swap in
the exhaust valves from a turbo head because as far as
I know the NG exhaust ones ar enot sodium filled
(non-turbo application). This will also mean hydraulic
lifters. Not sure if the WR/WX cam will work with
these. Check with others for that issue. I just used
the MC cam in the NG head.

Andrew Finney
1983 and 1984 UrQs.

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