[urq] Re: Fuel prices

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Thu May 27 11:09:43 EDT 2004

That little piece has been floating around for months and months.   Looks
like some spam that got through....


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <CARDCONSYS at aol.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>; <Tsp2144 at aol.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2004 3:06 AM
Subject: [urq] Re: Fuel prices

>         It would seem that this forum is really not one to discuss
> and fuel prices, but the author of this particular piece is misguided and
> uninformed by railing against the oil companies and struck a particular
> There are three main components of fuel prices: cost of production, supply
> demand, and taxes. The main price component in the UK is tax and it is the
> politicians that govern it not the supply chain. Pump price in the UK is
around 80p
> per litre. At 3.8 litres per US gallon and an exchange rate of $1.80 to
> pound that works out at $5.47 per US gallon! In the US we currently pay
> and that includes a relatively small component of Federal and State tax.
The oil
> companies run a business that like any other is subject to supply and
> variations, at both ends, and while not perfect in other regards they do
> control the tax component. How about increasing production, reducing
> consumption, and decreasing the tax? By the way, considering all the
production steps it
> goes through fuel is far cheaper per gallon than, say, Perrier which is
> pumped from the ground, through filters, and into a bottle!
>        Martin Dapot
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