Fw: [urq] Cannot recommend Stebro
Bill Bennett
ur.quattro at verizon.net
Fri Nov 5 01:42:17 EST 2004
ROFL Dan is right on top of the orders! SHEET! I have not ordered any thing
from stebro, ever, and never will. Anton did! well dan did include a toll
free # so we can leave him a voice mail to let him know about customer
service and that Dahlback racing has a 3"cat back system and more
http://www.dahlbackracing.se/english/main.asp Bill
----- Original Message -----
From: <sales at stebro.net>
To: <ur.quattro at verizon.net>
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 5:49 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Cannot recommend Stebro
The system is in Platsburgh
NY, I will drive down today and solve the issue. Sorry about the delay.
Dan Petschenig
Stebro PSD Ltd
Toll Free 888-878-3276
Direct 613-821-9693
Fax 613-692-0405
Web www.stebro.net
Email sales at stebro.net
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bennett
Date: 4/11/04 1:11 am
To: a.j.gaidos at comcast.net, urq at audifans.com
Cc: sales at stebro.net
Subj: Re: [urq] Cannot recommend Stebro
Anton, sounds like a big + for just finding a good recommended locally owned
exhaust shop( hang at you local raceway for suggestions) that will let you
oversee installation for about $350.00 parts and labor. if they won't let
you oversee, find another shop.after all, an URQ is not just a car. Best,
Bill PS Stebro "service" obviously sucks wind sales should not promise what
they can't deliver.wait they did deliver! they delivered a new definition of
horrible service! SHEET ANTON! you have been STEBROED! YOUCH! prolly worse
than the doctor standing behind you telling you to relax, more coconuts too,
eh? Dan is probably smiling thinking the "hurts don't it" line.
----- Original Message -----
From: <a.j.gaidos at comcast.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Cc: <sales at stebro.net>
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 8:51 AM
Subject: [urq] Cannot recommend Stebro
> All,
> As of today it has been 1 month since I ordered my Stebro exhaust for my
urquattro. One month!When I called Dan to order he said he had one built and
ready and that it would take 10 to 14 days to ship. Within 24 hours my
credit card had been tapped for the $700+.
> Two weeks ago when I called again and I was told I'd have it by mid week
last week but still no exhaust. Finally on Friday he said it was at customs
in New York and he'd have me a tracking number that day. Here it is Weds.
Nov 3rd, one phone call and 3 or 4 emails later and still no tracking
> Clearly this guy is dishonest or his life is in chaos. Clearly he
couldn't have had one ready to ship and he lied to get my business. I cannot
see any other way a month could pass and a system ready to ship still hasn't
> Anyone want to post this to other car lists please feel free. Maybe
Stebro will get their act together or driven out of business from this
HORRIBLE customer service. To say I am upset and disappointed is an
understatement. My quattro has been on a rack for weeks waiting. All the
other work on the car long since completed.
> In closing, I'm a reasonable guy. Any good, honest explaination would
have been fine with me. None ever came....
> Anton
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