[urq] It runs!

Thatcher Hubbard thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 12:47:09 EST 2004

I knew it had something to do with enrichment while the engine was
cold, I did not previously know that it was also the mechanism for
enrichment under boost.

The car has never idled well when cold.  I'm not sure if that implies
the IAC or the Warm-up regulator, but I did test both in accordance
with the Bentley and they're "working".  So I guess it's possible that
either the temp sensor on the back of the head is out or it had a leak
before I took that small hose out of the car.

I'm going to the local Audi parts place to see if they can get that
hose section for me, it definitely wasn't something that I was just
going to let go.

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 08:48:51 -0800, Tony Lum <tlum at flash.net> wrote:
> At 08:15 AM 11/8/2004 -0700, you wrote:
> >Well, on Friday night I got the car to not only start but idle.  I had
> >a few vacuum leaks, some of which were probably affecting the car even
> >before I took it apart.  The first was a tiny leak in the Michelin
> >Man.  I wrapped it with duct tape until my Aircraft Spruce hose comes
> >in, it seems to be fine.
> >
> >The leak that was making the big difference though, was the vaccum
> >hose that goes from the back-right port on that four port fitting at
> >the back of the IM.  It runs down to a sensor of some sort on the back
> >of the head and then goes into what I refer to as the "idle
> >stabilizer".  The thing on the side of the block with the two fuel
> >hoses running to it.  Anyway, one of the rubber hoses on it is a
> >tapered piece, and it had some huge cracks in it.  To get the car to
> >idle, I just pulled the hoses back to the IM and plugged a short piece
> >of hose off of that.  It doesn't seem to have any affect at all on how
> >the car runs.  Can somebody tell me what effect I should expect from
> >that?
> I'd hook that back up when you can.  The "thingy" on the back of the head
> is a thermostatic vacuum switch controlling the warmup regulator on the
> side of the block.  I think you get extra fuel enrichment when the engine
> is cold.
> Regards,
> --
> Tony
> '80 5KS
> 83 urquattro #900302
> '85 4kq
> '87 5kcstq
> '87.5 coupe GT

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