[urq] It runs!

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Nov 8 13:05:51 EST 2004

Now that the car is running and you've changed one variable (the number of
vacuum leaks) - you'll definitely want to make sure your duty cycle is
properly adjusted.  I'll bet a dollar it needs a good tweaking now...


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thatcher Hubbard" <thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 2004 8:15 AM
Subject: [urq] It runs!

> Well, on Friday night I got the car to not only start but idle.  I had
> a few vacuum leaks, some of which were probably affecting the car even
> before I took it apart.  The first was a tiny leak in the Michelin
> Man.  I wrapped it with duct tape until my Aircraft Spruce hose comes
> in, it seems to be fine.
> The leak that was making the big difference though, was the vaccum
> hose that goes from the back-right port on that four port fitting at
> the back of the IM.  It runs down to a sensor of some sort on the back
> of the head and then goes into what I refer to as the "idle
> stabilizer".  The thing on the side of the block with the two fuel
> hoses running to it.  Anyway, one of the rubber hoses on it is a
> tapered piece, and it had some huge cracks in it.  To get the car to
> idle, I just pulled the hoses back to the IM and plugged a short piece
> of hose off of that.  It doesn't seem to have any affect at all on how
> the car runs.  Can somebody tell me what effect I should expect from
> that?
> Anyway, the car runs much better than before.  It still idles low when
> its cold, down at about 600rpm, which I want to get sorted before it
> gets really cold, but it had done that since I've owned it.  Also, one
> of my front CV boots cracked while the car was sitting.  So I won't be
> driving it until I get that taken care of.  But it's nice to know the
> engine is getting better rather than worse.
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