[urq] weird wheel

Bob bob at audisport.com
Thu Nov 11 14:26:19 EST 2004

That was an aftermarket alpine system that was made for that. It was 
retrofitted into the wheels at the alpine installer. Damn expensive for 
the time, I had a customer with his lambo that wanted that installed. 
took me 3 days, what a PITA. It worked pretty well when done but looked 
stupid IMO.

SpotatAshleys wrote:

>A mate of mine has a 20v (RR) quattro. When he bought it several years ago, it came with a momo steering wheel. But this is a Momo wheel with a difference. It has a telephone keypad in the centre of the horn pad and all the electrics for the phone are inside the horn pad. It is a wireless system that seems to "speak" to the transmitter bits etc. on the column via 3 leds (infra red). I guess its about 10-15 years old. Any one ever seen one or know anything about them? I've never seen anything like it.
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