[urq] new car tire pressure monitors

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Nov 15 12:09:03 EST 2004

I'll bite...

I'll guess each pressure sensor costs $234.
And to clarify you need to repalce 4 of these every 6 yrs???

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Bennett" <ur.quattro at verizon.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2004 9:27 PM
Subject: [urq] new car tire pressure monitors

> I attended a new car class about MickieBenz is Seattle (sheety pavement on
> I-5, sheet all of Seattle I went to in the Elliot Bay area) last month.
> Anyone care to guess how many coconuts one pressure sensor inside one
> costs? it will make you want to go to the MickieBenZ dealer to have your
> tire pressures checked, or a flat repair, or new tires, oh the battery is
> not replaceable, you have to buy a new pressure sensor for all 4 wheels
> every six years or MR. Warning Light will come on, some models include
> MR.Spare Tire so you could buy five of the little buggers. I gotta get one
> of those new cars, toss around lot's of coconuts, no cheating allowed, you
> may not call any MickieBenz part provider
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