[urq] still poor starting
Maurits Jonkergouw
urq at moregraphics.nl
Mon Nov 15 19:07:26 EST 2004
I had EXACT the same problems, and yes, in my case a new thermotime switch
from a Coupe GT solved this problem. It switched but intermittent and @
random temps. The laquer? plug inside the small hole in one of the TTS's
sides was gone for one thing, HTH.
PS you can change it without draining (all) the coolant, just rear-jack the
car way up and keep ur new washer and TTS at close range! Use a towel of
some sort to catch the small loss of coolant...
1986 GV (Swiss WR)
1985 CGT KV
1982 GL DD
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ashley Cobain" <ashleyj.cobain at virgin.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2004 8:52 PM
Subject: [urq] still poor starting
>I still have a bad starting problem.
> The symptoms are as follows:
> Sometimes the car will start first time with virtually no turn over of the
> engine and no foot on throttle pedal.
> However if it does not catch first time it will not then start on that go.
> I have to stop and turn it over again with my foot flat to the floor and
> after a few seconds of continuous cranking it will fire.
> It always fires up and has not let me down but this long cranking is a
> pain.
> I use the car every day. The most it lies idle is over night but if I
> don't use it for a few days the next time i use it it fires first turn of
> the key.
> I have noticed that if I switch off when hot and then fire it up again a
> few minutes later it fires straight away but the air fuel meter shows an
> extremely rich mixture. I would not have expected this on a hot start.
> Car has solid lifters (WR engine) and the gaps are all generally 0.05mm
> wider that spec. I have checked the various fuel pressures and they appear
> to be in limits, I have fitted a new starter and new injectors, fuel
> filter and plugs, leads and distributor cap and rotor.
> Will it be a thermotime switch problem or CSV?
> Why is it imtermittent?
> Any ideas would be most welcome.
> Thanks
> Keith
> '87 WR
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