[urq] Corrado?

Thatcher Hubbard thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com
Tue Nov 16 17:11:59 EST 2004

I was with my girlfriend one time and we ran into an old accquaintance
of hers who's not the sharpest knife in the drawer.  She thought I was
driving a Delorean.  "Oooh, you've got a car like the one in Back to
the Future!"  It took just about all I had not to laugh at her.

I don't get the Corrado comparison.  The Corrado looks a lot more like
a Golf or GTI or a similar vintage than the Urq does.  The Scirocco I
can sort of see.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 14:49:21 -0700, Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:
> Well I got the old "is that a Corrado or Scirocco?" while paying for gas today.  I wasn't the best ambassador as I pointedly said it was an Audi turbo quattro coupe and it would smoke any Corrado...(true or not).  He replied that it was the same company and it _did_ look like a Corrado.  Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood, and didn't really have time to educate the poor fool.....
> oh well....
> Brandon
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