[urq] The price of greatness
Ingo Rautenberg
i.rautenberg at waratap.com
Mon Nov 22 14:40:08 EST 2004
Missed those! My guess is someone offered a far more realistic price for
them (like a "Buy it now" kind of price) and the seller said OK. I bought a
nice set last summer for ~$400 plus shipping with no regrets. They are
extremely strong and lightweight and were used by AudiSport for their
off-road rallies. As to the "worth" of Urq's -- it only makes sense as the
pool of available cars is diminishing, Audi's stature in the US is going up
and these cars are 20+ years old. I wouldn't sell mine for even 10k -- and
it's not even worth that much $$ (unless I had a spare).
----- Original Message -----
From: <DGraber460 at aol.com>
To: <andrew.sb at gmail.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 1:47 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] The price of greatness
> In a message dated 11/22/2004 10:36:18 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> John.Chaplen at mercer.com writes:
> <Also, what's the deal with Fuchs wheels? I know 8" Ronals have some
> <desireability, but are these as collectable? I saw a set on ebay go for
> <$75, guess I should have picked them up!
> Is your point that Fuchs are too high or too low?
> I've been looking for a set for some time, and haven't seen anything for
> what I think their worth. I was preparing to bid on the $75 set when they
> mysteriously pulled early and sold for $75. I was a bit annoyed (more like
> pissed!) at not having a shot at them, but that's auction life I guess.
> Still looking for a set, and so far resisting the temptation to get the
> brand new 15x7 TSW Hockenhiem Rs for $349 including shipping from Cheap
> Dennis
> Denver
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