[urq] Bulbs for Illuminating the Instrument Cluster

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 22 15:28:02 EST 2004

I bought a multi pack with different sizes. I think you can buy a package 
with all the same size as well.  I think I got mine @ summit racing.  
Definately a VDO package, though.

>Where is the best palce to get these - and do they come in different sizes.
>The problem I've come across is that, for instance, I wanted to use a Oil
>Pressire gauge from a '91 CQ and it appeared to have white lighting (and of
>course I want red) and that gauge's bulb was a different size than the
>aftermarket VDO stuff I 've purchased - which came with those red and green
>'84 ur

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