[urq] Fuchs (Was The price of greatness)

Brandon Rogers brogers at terrix.com
Mon Nov 22 15:40:26 EST 2004

IMO, they are not as coveted as the 8" Ronals (although the Fuchs are much
lighter) but are much more coveted than the 6" Ronals.  All things being
equal - which we all know they _never_ are (especially with these cars)- a
car with Fuchs would likely fetch more than one with 6" Ronals.  Again - all
other things being equal.  The Fuchs are light and strong and have appeal,
as someone (Ingo I think) said because Audi used them on the rally cars.
One drawback is that they won't allow as big a brake caliper as the 8"
Ronals.  I had to have the wheel weights put on the outer lip (rather than
inside of the wheel towards the out side) because they were hitting my G60
calipers in front.  Some people have Porsche Monoblock calipers under 8"
R8's and there is no way I can see those fitting under Fuchs...well maybe
with a spacer or something...??

'84 ur
    8" R8 Summer
    Fuchs Winter
    6" R8 not used

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andrew B" <andrew.sb at gmail.com>
To: <dgraber460 at aol.com>
Cc: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2004 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [urq] The price of greatness

> Not saying Fuchs are not worth what people are paying for them, just
> curious as to whether they have some collectable value or what,
> exactly.  I personally am not a big fan of the style, but I wouldn't
> mind having a set, nevertheless.  Heck, if they can increase the value
> of my car I'll take two.
> In response to John, I paid about 7k, and I believe that is exactly
> what my car is worth.  I don't think I could get a similar performance
> car for the same price with all the bells and whistles of the Ur.  My
> car has no rust, and everything short of the AC (no belt), cruise
> control (does anybody's work?) and rear defroster (Working on it)
> everything works and is in great shape.  My car has the Ronal 8"s and
> was repainted in a not-quite-zermatt silver.  I love the car, but I
> can't see it being worth 11 thousand.  I guess the rarity is important
> in resale value, but there are quite a few Urs available to anybody
> savvy enough to surf the interweb for a few hours.  I was looking all
> over the country for mine, and I was lucky when it popped up in a city
> a few hours away.  I guess I'm asking if people actually get what they
> ask (above 10g) or if they're just testing the water.
> On Mon, 22 Nov 2004 13:47:52 EST, dgraber460 at aol.com <dgraber460 at aol.com>
> >
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 11/22/2004 10:36:18 AM Mountain Standard Time,
> > John.Chaplen at mercer.com writes:
> > <Also, what's the deal with Fuchs wheels?  I know 8" Ronals have some
> > <desireability, but are these as collectable?  I saw a set on ebay go
> > <$75, guess I should have picked them up!
> >
> > Is your point that Fuchs are too high or too low?
> > I've been looking for a set for some time, and haven't seen anything for
> > what I think their worth. I was preparing to bid on the $75 set when
> > were mysteriously pulled early and sold for $75. I was a bit annoyed
> > like pissed!) at not having a shot at them, but that's auction life I
> > Still looking for a set, and so far resisting the temptation to get the
> > brand new 15x7 TSW Hockenhiem Rs for $349 including shipping from Cheap
> > Wheels.
> >
> > Dennis
> > Denver
> >
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