[urq] the infamous 4000 rpm cutout is back

David Ritter dritter at up.net
Wed Nov 24 21:32:44 EST 2004

On Tue, 2004-11-23 at 10:31, Louis-Alain_Richard at computerhorizons.com
> I don't know if I should be happy or sad....
> After an evening of dismantling and testing, I can say that yes indeed I 
> repaired the car.
> Good news.

I'm late on this one, I've been traveling.
I went through a long period of trouble with the 4K cutout. I would go
through the process like you did and think I had it whipped after a test
drive with no cutout. Unfortunately the only thing that would fix it was
to replace the intake temp sensor $$$! I did the tests and things looked
ok, but I think that when it gets flakey it can be sensitive to
temp/humidity/vibration etc.
Hope this isn't the case for your Ur, but I thought I would mention what
I went through.


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