[urq] Discovery Channel on Wednesday Night

urq urq at pacbell.net
Thu Nov 25 02:54:38 EST 2004

... it was Discovery Science channel on Dish ... yup, caught it!  I knew 
that the urq was coming ... it was quite apparent to someone who is familiar 
with the car from the teaser shots of the rear quarter of a car taking off 

They also had a sound bite from Roger Galvin ...

I agree, a show like this can only help values ... it was good to see 
comments from Jean <Lindamood> ... don't remember her new name ...

I don't see the show listed at all in the Discovery Store, but the show is 
slated to air three times on 11/25 (7AM, 12PM & 3PM EST)

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

Happy Thanksgiving to the urq fans in the USA ... and elsewhere too, even 
though you may not be celebrating Thanksgiving ...

PS ... no big deal, but the Ford was an RS200 ... beautiful car IMO, there 
was one at the historic races at Laguna Seca many years back.  The car was 
owned by someone who also owned an urq.
----- Original Message ----- 

Did anybody catch the 8 PM "Ultimate Cars" segment on the discovery Channel 
on Wednesday night about the top five road rally cars???

#5: Ford RS 2000 (I believe that was the designation)
#4: Mitsubishi Evo
#3: Subaru Impreza
#2: Lancia Stratos
#1: The best road rally car was---you guessed it--our (mostly) beloved Audi 
quattro (1st to use AWD, 1st to use turbo motor, 1st to use a woman 
driver --in fact a women's team in FIA rally--nice shot of the car, and of 
Michele, and some words from John Buffum

We gotta track this video down and get DVDs for our records--definiely added 
$$$ to sale price.  It's not a great serious video, a bit tacky, but some 
nice footage, and to see our favorite car classed as number 1 road rally 
car, very sweet.

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