[urq] AP Calipers

John Koenig johnkoenig at greennet.net
Mon Nov 29 09:32:40 EST 2004

The parts information that I've seen shows 7x15 Fuchs with 45mm offset for
quattro and with 20mm offset for sport quattro ("winter"), which would tend
to look about 1" "deeper."  These are only the road car variations, of
course, and I don't know anything about the use of spacers.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mike Del Tergo <mdeltergo at hotmail.com>
Subject: Re: [urq] AP Calipers

> If you've seen any of the raly stage photos with the "spare" Fuchs around.
> There is clearly a lot more space between the spokes and the outer lip.
> That leads me to believe that they are at least an inch wider than road
> going versions or have a really small to negative offset which I would say
> is the lesser liklihood.
> Mike
> From: AudiQtroCp at aol.com
> I would tend to disagree on the statement of wider Fuch's.  I have  seen
> many
> pics of the rally cars wearing Fuchs, and some of the pics show the  wheel
> off.  The cars used a humongous wheel spacer, a good inch thick which  put
> the
> Fuch's way outside of the interference of the AP calipers.
> Sean
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