[urq] Re: No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes onMC-1 CGT conversion

Justin cbrooks2 at san.rr.com
Fri Oct 1 14:38:00 EDT 2004

I'm not sure if this is an answer your looking for, but the "ignition"
booster, on the side of the coil has a direct connection with the ECU, and
this booster is connected internally to the coil...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
To: "Michael Sylvester" <msylvester at verizon.net>; "Jim Green"
<jim.green at gmail.com>; "Eric Sanborn" <eric.ql at sofadog.net>; "Justin Riley
(E-mail)" <jriley at ctiusa.com>; "Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC"
<Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil>
Cc: <>; <quattro at audifans.com>; "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, October 01, 2004 7:12 AM
Subject: Re: [urq] Re: No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes
onMC-1 CGT conversion

> This is a single reply to multiple replies to my original post.  Although
> seem to find these solutions on my own mostly, I'm sure it is the
> from the audifans collective that help focus me onto the solution.  I seem
> to be getting closer, but have not nailed down a solution.  I have no
> question that I am getting 12 V to the coil 15 during cranking, but
> as to whether I am getting a primary signal on terminal 1 of the coil.
> late reply from Tony H. I think alludes to the culprit as I describe
> FWIW, I believe I am looking at the problem, but not seeing the exact
> culprit, or at least how to resolve it.  I have things wired according to
> the Bentley diagram for 5kt's, except, something seems to be missing with
> respect to the connection(s) that go to coil terminal 1.
> Looking at the diagram, it shows ***only the green wire that goes from the
> Idle Stabilizer Valve Control Unit(ISVCU) terminal 17/1 is connected to
> terminal 1***.  The other segment on ISVCU 17/1 is shown to go to the
> autocheck controller.  Therefore, the diagram does not show a control
> feed that comes directly from the ECU that aught to go to the coil
> 1.  So it a appears the problem is I am missing this feed, or it is not
> being enabled or passed through ISVCU or other means.  Is ICU that Tony
> refers to the same as what I am Calling the ISVCU?
> Where the wiring for this installation begins to not follow the diagram
> exactly is with repect to other control leads that go into the ISVCU.  For
> example, I have no afterrun relay in place, as the afterrun pump and are
> installed yet, if I'll even do it this way.  So the R/W wire off
> going to 14b/9 is not connected to anything.  Other wires for AC control
> (ISVCU/2/K - talk about convoluted) are not connected yet, either.  The
> ISVCU 5/31 should have a return to ground through the MAC-11 harness, but
> can double-check.  I am pretty sure I checked that the ISVCU 14/15 is
> to ign track 15 +.  Much of the wiring for the ISV CU is already there as
> internal to the MAC-11 harness, so I took it for granted that these things
> should operate as a collective entity with no outside control required.
> So, which ECU connection is used to provide the signal that should go to
> terminal 1 on the ignition coil?  I don't see how it gets there with the
> factory wiring, but it somehow must get passed through the ISV control
> That would mean the engine on a 5kt will not run with the ISVCU pulled?
> Looks like I need to find which wire on the ECU or how to get the ISVCU
> wired so it passes the appropriate signal.  If anyone has an idea, LMK
> please.
> Ben
> p.s. remember when firing an engine with points and coil on a test stand
> so easy - hook up positive wire to coil and starter and ground the block -
> something like 2-3 wires max.
> ----- Original Message(s) -----  **** note consolidated posts with a
> reply ****
> From: "Michael Sylvester" <msylvester at verizon.net> and "Jim Green"
> <jim.green at gmail.com> and
> "Hoffman Anthony J A1C 552 CMS/MXMVC" <Anthony.Hoffman at tinker.af.mil> and
> "Justin Riley" jriley at ctiusa.com
> To: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
> Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 10:42 PM
> Subject: Re: [urq] Re: No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no codes
> on MC-1 CGT conversion
> [I had exactly this problem om my ur-q MC-1 conversion.
>  After many hours of troubleshooting, I came to the conclusion that the
> starter switch was faulty.  I took it out, and found a crack in the
> plastic housing.  When I was turning it to the start position, it would
> engage the starter, but not power the coil or computer.  I replaced the
> switch assembly with the uber cheap VW starter switch (ask Rod at TPC)
> for about $13.  No problems since..-Justin]
> [Ben, try pulling 12v strait from the battery, for the coil and ECU.
> I've seen people pull power from some srange places that may not be
> getting power while cranking..Jim Green]
> **** Checked wiring - with relayed power, I am definately getting power to
> Coil 15.
> [There are 2 wires on the primary side of the coil.  One gets pulsed and I
> believe the other is 12V.  Does that check out OK?..  Mike]
> ****2 wires  yes, BL/R to 15 and Green to 1, but something is missing.
> [[With key on I have power to the coil 15, and so far all checks indicate
> things are as they should be.  Yet when the starter is engaged, I get no
> spark - using a grounded plug on #1 wire to test and the fuel pump does
> turn on.  What is the trigger for the pump?]
> <snip>
> The trigger for the pump is the switching signal for the ignition. It is
> done that way for safety. If you are missing that signal, that is why you
> have no spark and no fuel. You have to find out where that signal is being
> dropped. There are two wires going to the coil, and the one not to term 15
> is the one you need to check. I'm not sure if the turbos still have the
> but if it does, check for power going to it. It doesn't rely on its
> for ground, FYI.
> This is about as far as I can go without being there with schematics, hope
> it helps.
> Tony Hoffman]
> **** Is ICU the Idle Stabilizer Control Unit I refer to as ISVCU?
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net>
> > To: "Mike Sylvester" <msylvester at verizon.net>
> > Sent: Thursday, September 30, 2004 4:53 PM
> > Subject: Re: [urq] Re: No Start[spark or fuelpump] condition with no
> > on MC-1 CGT conversion
> > > Distributer was out, but lined up exactly the way it should be.  If
> > > Distributor were out of window, there would be a code generated for
> that.
> > > Anyway,  I'm positive it is dead on - consulted the factory training
> guide
> > > to be sure.
> > >
> <snip>
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