[urq] something's a-miss

Ingo Rautenberg IRautenberg at comcast.net
Sun Oct 3 17:29:43 EDT 2004


My guess is a tear in either of these hoses (but check all):

Turbo to IC
IC to throttle body.

I've had both of these go (most recently the IC to throttle body one).  The
tear is usually on the backside where you can't see it.  More easily visible
and accessible if you remove the grill and you don't have the Aux radiator
installed.  Probably
not what you want to hear, but definitely worth a look.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gary Brown" <gmbchef at comcast.net>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 2:44 PM
Subject: [urq] something's a-miss


 My car has been running exceptionally well for about 9 months now. Nooo
problems at all. Until this past weekend.
 I romped the gas up to about 5500 RPM in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. When it got to
about 3500 in 3rd, I felt it go flat...not like the 4k rpm cut -out.  It
just went "blehhhhh". Now I have an intermittent miss in the motor. I
replaced the wires, coil wire, rotor and cap. It did nothing. I checked the
injectors to see if they are seated tightly and they are. No vacuum leams
that I can find as of yet, the car dies upon removal of the oil cap. I used
a timing light on all 5 new wires and they seem to have a rhythm to their

Any ideas??
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