[urq] New quattro/seat leathers

Schaible, David David.Schaible at jrspharma.com
Thu Oct 7 10:01:12 EDT 2004

Thanks for posting the purchase info sounds like you got a good deal if
the motor is strong, I urge you not to paint your r8's black (since mine
are), but if you insist, you can view a zermatt silver car with black
ronals at one of the east coast upg picture sites to see what it will
look like....what condition are the seats? Are they the originals?

Anyone who is interested in new leathers for the original 83 seats
should contact me. I will be getting pricing to have some fabricated.

David Schaible

JRS Pharma LP
2981 Rte 22
Patterson, NY 12563

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrew S Basinski [mailto:basinski.a at neu.edu] 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 9:42 AM
To: urq at audifans.com
Cc: urq at audifans.com
Subject: Re: [urq] New quattro

Somebody has asked me to post the VIN, what I paid, and the mileage.  
So I guess I should provide some background on my car:
waudc0855da900558, $6750, and about 97k miles.

The car has an intended Acceleration chip, euro lights with fog light 
switches (which aren't hooked up), an 85 dash, 85 electronic diff 
locks, adjustable wastegate, Ronal R8's, and assorted parts that 
weren't really upgrades but are new on the car anyways (shocks, 
bearings, etc.).  The car is silver (ish).  The previous owner had it 
repainted zermatt silver, but it looks kind of gold in certain light, 
and in some places (chips) the paint underneath looks lighter.  I'd 
like to do something special to it, paintwise, but I want to get these 
little things out of the way first.  I'm also trying to decide whether 
to paint my wheels black or not (i love black PC wheels), but I don't 
want to do anything too drastic.

Thanks for the help, I'll have to take a look at the filters.  It looks 
as if the gauge is working properly, just making some noise.  If there 
were a leak in one of the filters, would it make noise at the filter, 
or the gauge?

Thanks again,

Mike Del Tergo wrote:

>this could be the boost gauge but my money is on the of the 2 check 
>in line on the boost/vuccum lines.  Pull out your stereo or your diff 
>panel and you will find a small blk/blu in line plastic filter running 
>one of the small vac lines.  These go bad and make a really annoying 
>"nasally" whine.  You will also see one under the hood along the top of

>firewall.  you can apply vacuum to both ends and see if it leaks.  
These are 
>very pricey from Audi but can be bought generically from most flaps.  
>(remember the blk/blu orientation as it must be installed directionally

>correctly, any generic replacement should have an arrow indicating 
>From: Andrew S Basinski <basinski.a at neu.edu>
>Hi guys, I'm new to this list and also to the world of audis.  I just
>Most importantly:  My turbo gauge is making a lot of noise.  I can't
>seem to find exactly what it is, but it sure seems like the gauge.
>When I give it some gas, the gauge moves and the noise stops.
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