[urq] something's amiss..update

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Thu Oct 7 19:55:07 EDT 2004

... don't use the turbo so much Gary ... ;-)

I think the cooling air distribution shroud is supposed to do double
duty and hold the injectors in place, but if your car is like mine the
plastic ends get brittle and the thing is not as well located ... I
assume providing enough slop to allow the injectors to get popped out of
the inserts under heavy boost.  

One of the things I've got on the "when there's time" list is to take
the metal bar from a 4kQ that des the same job on the NA engine (wonder
how often *they* pop an injector? :) and fit it to my valve cover hold
down bar ... 

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)

>  So I checked the injectors, and #1 felt a little loose, 
> pushed it back in with my custom tool that also doubles as a 
> motorcycle tire iron, and went for another drive. that seems 
> to have done the trick! I just hope I don't have to always be 
> checking the injectors as I replaced all of them 2 years ago 
> and all the seats and o-rings last year.

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