[urq] trans/clutch job (massive x-post)

Rich Letsinger ricoletsinger at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 3 12:20:28 EDT 2004


Sorry to hear you're having trouble.  Pulling the
slave cylinder is a PITA.  Mine came out fine once the
pin was out but I had a terrible time getting any
purchase on that pin to drive it out.  Maybe try
depressing the clutch pedal to see if it can push
itself out.

If all else fails, you can disconnect the fluid line
to the slave cylinder and drop the tranny with it
still attached.  This will drain your clutch master
cylinder of fluid which will take a lot of work to
bleed back free of air again.  But it's doable.  I
changed the line to a stainless braided one so I had
to deal with this bleeding.

Good luck,

--- AudiQtroCp at aol.com wrote:

> Hey y'all
> Just a last minute cry for advice on my tranny swap
> I have been working on 
> for the last couple nights.
> A)    I need some creative BTDT pointers on getting
> out a stubborn clutch 
> slave cylinder.  I got the pin out without too many
> hassles but now I dont think 
> Im getting the slave to budge.   Should I risk
> letting down the tranny with it 
> still attached and work on it when I have more room
> / leverage?
> B)    The Bently refers to removing two bolts/nuts
> that hold the steering 
> linkage to the rack.  Is this necessary in the UrQ? 
> The Bently makes only 
> mention of the 4000/coupe.  Im not sure I can get
> them off regardless, they are 
> superfahkingtight.
> C)    The starter - the bottom bolt has a nut on the
> back of it however I 
> cant even reach the backside of the top one, what
> should I expect to find and how 
> should I handle it?
> D)    The guy who built the car used the wrong
> (undampened) clutch for this 
> flywheel (lightweight MC2), Ijust bit the bullet and
> ordered a proper kit for 
> it.  I didn't order a pilot bearing, do these things
> ever go bad?  Should I 
> just lube it while Im in there?
> Other than the above the assy is about ready to
> drop, one exception, one of 
> the inner hub bolts was stripped - of course - I
> will deal with that in the 
> morning after another trip to the auto parts store
> for an extractor.  Hopefully 
> the dealer will have one of these bolts...
> Thanks to all in advance
> Sean
> 2001 TT225Q
> 83 UrQuattro Helios
> 83 UrQuattro Mars

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