[urq] West Coast UPG

Tony Lum tlum at flash.net
Tue Sep 14 20:58:12 EDT 2004

First off,  kudos to Paul and Pauline Lethbridge for organizing the 
event.  Haven't had this much fun since MH '99.  Thanks also to Andrew 
Finney for convoying all the way from CA to UT.  Made most of mind numbing 
distance (764 miles each way!) go by pretty fast.  Boy, it was a bummer 
hitting rush hour traffic in Sacramento after averaging 80-85 MPH all the 
way across Nevada.

The urq performed really well with no major problems except the cruise 
control, which wasn't working when I left.  Averaged between 21-23.7 MPG on 
premium gas.  Not bad considering that without cruise, I'd slowly drop back 
about half a mile behind Andrew, then have to do some 85-90 bursts to catch 
up.  Did have a problem starting the engine at 10,000 feet-the fuel pump 
sounded like it was dying up there.  But once I got down to reasonable 
(5000-6000 ft) altitudes I had no further problems.

Most of all, it was nice to associate faces with the emails I've read all 
these years.

urq #DA900302

P.S.  I'd recommend that any groups getting together for drives carry FRS 
radios and spend a little time on their use.  With so many cars, the lead 
and the rest of the pack get often get separated.

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