[urq] urq] Water Wetter Observations

Andrew Finney afinney1 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 15 10:07:13 EDT 2004

Brandon, I didn't want to say anything at the UPG to
spoil your fun, but I'm pretty sure that over the
years there are tons of accounts of reasons not to use
water-wetter. Bad testimonials. I have one myself, as
I tried it a few years ago and it took me 2 years to
get the remaining goo out of the system. I remember
people said it tends to ball up and clog little
cooling passages. I could be wrong. I'd do what I did,
construct some garden-hose fitting adaptors to the
upper and lower coolant hoses (use PVC and ABS plastic
pipe to adapt), remove the thermostat, and backflsuh
and forward flush in succession, using hot water.

Andrew Finney
1983 and 1984 UrQs.

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