[urq] West Side UPG

Steve Eiche seiche at shadetreesoftware.com
Thu Sep 16 23:43:39 EDT 2004

I'm all for another ur q get together for Pikes Peak.  I went this year and spent the race in the pits.  It was great!  Seeing all of the hardware up close and personal, not to mention talking with the drivers and mechanics was lots of fun.  For us Audi fans, an Audi five cylinder A4 will be on Pikes Peak again next year.  It may not be an ur q, but it sounds like an S1.  This year they broke an axle and DNF'd, but they have the kinks worked out now and should be back in it for next year.  

For those who have never seen the event, and even for those who have, it is always impressive.  The altitude, the danger, the changing weather (this year started with 70 degree weather in the morning and ended a few hours later in a blizzard at the top and a hail storm at the bottom) all make for an event like no other.

Anyway, I am sure that I can arrange a cookout at my house for the event.  It is never too soon to start planning!


... my tuppence ...

To date the only venue that has worked for a "national" event for the
Audifans is Pikes Peak for the Hill Climb.  It is scheduled for a time when
people are usually on vacation, and has racing components.  AF98 even
included a track event somewhere in Colorado.  There is also a high density
of urq owners in that area.  

I'd be up for a national event next year at Pikes Peak ... and am also open
to alternatives ... say from the Mississippi River and points west ...

Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA) 

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