[urq] Alternator noise to power AMP

Michael Bond mike at crunkenergydrink.com
Mon Apr 4 15:45:57 EDT 2005

IME I grounded the negative part of the RCA to eliminate a ground loop
whine.  The one I had was so bad I wouldn't listen to the radio with the
headlights on.  

Mike Bond

1983 UrQ WX
2002 Audi A4 1.8T
2002 GMC Yukon
2004 Mitsu Evo RS 

On 4/4/05 12:37 PM, "Ben Swann" <benswann at comcast.net> wrote:

> After recently wiring in a power amp to the rear speakers for my '83 Ur
> Quattro, there is a whine being picked up by the RCA inputs to the amp.  It
> is not picked up by the stereo, front speakers, or if rears are wired
> directly to the stereo without an amp.
> How can I eliminate this or filter it?  I am using high quality RCA cables -
> don't know if they are sheilded.
> Also, what kind of capaciter would be good to eliminate powere clipping?
> Ben
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