[urq] FW: 4/30/05 New England UrQ GTG

Pasqualoni, James E james.pasqualoni at gs.com
Mon Apr 11 16:21:07 EDT 2005

Ur-Q folk,

Wanted to pass this along in case any of you are still contemplating making
the trip to Eric Harten's in West Newton, MA on 4/30.  So far, we are
scheduled to have 7 Ur-Q's show for this gtg.

Hope some more of you can make it!  

Please let me know if you decide to show.


>  -----Original Message-----
> From: 	Pasqualoni, James E  
> Sent:	Monday, April 11, 2005 3:24 PM
> Subject:	4/30/05 New England UrQ GTG
> Hey guys,
> Just a weekly update on our GTG at which 7 Ur-Quattros are now scheduled
> to be present.  Pretty cool, huh?  Yup.  Anyway, looks like we have a
> time, address, etc as follows:
> Time:  	Starting at 10 AM - some time to meet and greet prior to
> lunch
> Where:	Home of Eric Harten, rumored to have been rotated out to
> Hawaii, when actually was sick of washing his UrQ during the Mass winters.
> Or something ;-)
> 	14 North Gate Park
> 	West Newton, MA 02465
> Food:	Eric has a few grills available on which we are all welcome to use
> whilst cooking the food that we bring.
> Pieces and Parts:	Bring anything you want to sell, give away, think
> someone else might need, want, etc...
> Drive:	Eric is planning a nice route for an afternoon/evening
> drive.
> Mapquest directions from North-pickup from I-95 if south of ME:

> Mapquest directions from West-pickup from I-90:
> http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&2si=navt&un=m&2gi=0
> &1n=YORK+COUNTY&cl=EN&ct=NA&2n=MIDDLESEX+COUNTY&2da=-1.000000&2rc=L1AAA&rs
> res=1&1y=US&1a=&1c=AUBURN&1s=MA&1z=&2y=US&2a=14+N+GATE+PARK&2c=WEST+NEWTON
> &2s=MA&2z=02465-1614
> <http://www.mapquest.com/directions/main.adp?go=1&do=nw&2si=navt&un=m&2gi=
> 0&1n=YORK+COUNTY&cl=EN&ct=NA&2n=MIDDLESEX+COUNTY&2da=-1.000000&2rc=L1AAA&r
> sres=1&1y=US&1a=&1c=AUBURN&1s=MA&1z=&2y=US&2a=14+N+GATE+PARK&2c=WEST+NEWTO
> N&2s=MA&2z=02465-1614> 
> For those of you coming down from Maine, may I suggest a rendez-vous point
> of the Portsmouth Traffic Circle/State Liquor Store at around 8:30 AM?
> Please let me know if you have any questions whatsoever.  I will be away
> and have no access to email from 4/22-4/29, so if you need any information
> during that time period, please contact Eric directly.
> I have copied a few parties that are showing increasing signs of interest
> in UrQ ownership.  You know who you are Bob and Bill.  Um wait, did I say
> that??? ;-)
> Looking forward to seeing y'all,
> Jim

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