[urq] 12 volts on both terminals of coil - no start

Buchholz, Steven Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com
Mon Apr 11 21:36:45 EDT 2005

... never made the measurements myself so I can't say with certainty,
but I must say your report would not surprise me ... think about the old
days with points ... the coil is connected to something close to +12 and
the points grounded the other wire ... so when the points are open you
would fully expect to see +12 on both terminals.  

Check all the old stand bys ... make sure that the rotor is pointing at
the mark on the dizzy housing when the engine is rotated to TDC
compression (i.e. make sure the timing belt hasn't slipped a couple
teeth).  If it were me, I'd probably make sure the battery is fully
charged when trying again (my old suspicion about the low voltage while
the starter is cranking screwing up the F/TCU).  I wouldn't be surprised
if you found the car fired just fine in the morning ... 

Good luck!
Steve B
San Jose, CA (USA)
> hey guys, Drove the quattro on a 2 hour drive today, came home packed
up some
> stuff to be shipped and no start. I have no spark at the plugs or from
> coil. Check for 12 volts and both terminals on the coil have 12 volts.
> thought only one side should have 12 volts? Dead coil bridging across
on the
> inside? I'll look at it with less haste when the sun comes back up,
thanks for
> the help. 

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