[urq] 7A oil pan stuff "red ordered" at the dealer PC rated for all listers

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Thu Aug 4 23:31:53 EDT 2005

Bill, There are no restrictors in the country.  I have done a daily
order in hope that we will get them fairly quickly.   I  would guess 2-3
weeks unless we pay the $50.00 Red order fee, well. of course in my 
eagerness to get the restrictors I was all over the red order shoot! just 
fifty coconucts, knowing my friend Jon would be there for an oil pan party! 
yeah you guessed correctly, a message monday that parts will be tuesday, a 
message wednesday that all the parts here on thursday, thursday, no message. 
I loved the "we pay" part, I know he meant "me pay" don't get me wrong, I 
love my dealer, I just like to bitch. Bill 

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