[urq] #900610 Autopsy

DGraber460@aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Mon Aug 15 12:56:22 EDT 2005

The autopsy was begun in earnest yesterday on URQ #900610.
Cause of death established as "murderous blow to driver front wheel  & 
A-pillar March 14, 2005, causing massive hemmorhaging of original  dimensions". 
Suspects never apprehended, and case dropped due to lack of  interest by local 
authorities. Arrrgh!!
I will be _attempting_ to remove as many parts as possible, leaving only  the 
unibody. I haven't figured a way to support and move the carcass with all  
the suspension and drive gear removed. Any ideas? Some parts will be up for  
adoption as the family has requested a "donor" title designation.
I am retrieving it's replacement in 2 weeks, and need to sell some  parts to 
defray expenses of the new acquisition (and my daughters wedding last  week). 
If you think Audi ownership is a wallet lightening experience, you  haven't 
seen anything till you marry off a daughter!
I want to keep the suspension (H&Rs and Bilstiens), and misc. other  hard to 
find parts, but e-mail with needs and I'll see what we can work  out. 

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