[urq] UPG Accomodation

Mike Del Tergo mdeltergo at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 19 19:44:34 EDT 2005

If you don't need to be very early for UPG, let us know when and we 
northerners can caravan from Hartford!

From: "Brandon Rogers" <>
Subject: Re: [urq] UPG Accomodation

OK It looks like Dennis and I will be staying around Hartford Friday night.
His car is in storage up by the airport (Bradley I think) so I think by then
we'll be ready to stop driving rather than backtrack down to New
Haven...even tho that is closer to Felix's house.  Someplace right off 84 or
91 - any recomendations?

We will also stay in Granby Sat night - anybody else made reservs in Granby
for Sat night yet?

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