[urq] HEELLP!!! Only 6 days before UPG and my car is still apart.....(real long)

MICHAEL CUNNINGHAM mtsea at prodigy.net
Sat Aug 20 21:57:44 EDT 2005

...to bring everyone up to speed, I had an electrical malfuction (early build 1983 Urq, go figure) that shut down my windows, wipers, and low beams. I figured out that something was triggering the Load Reduction Relay "on" shutting those systems down. I jumped the LRR and sure enough the high speed fan was running, even if the key wasn't in the ignition. So today in an effort to get my car ready for UPG, I unplugged the high speed Thermo-switch. Jump LRR,fan still on. Next I pulled both medium and high speed fan relays, jump LRR, fan still on. Last relay to go was the A/C Fan relay. Before I pulled it I jumped the A/C fan relay and sure enough the fan came on. So I yanked the A/C relay out and jumped the LRR and can operate the windows. If I don't jump the LRR relay back to sqaure one, no windows, wipers, lowbeams and quite possibly the radiator fan itself. 
Here's the run down maybe you guys may see something I don't:
1st off before going to Carlisle my low beams were dim and I fixed them by replacing the wiperswitch. The whole trip down and back from Carlisle the car worked flawlessly. The last mile of the trip is where I expierenced the issue I have now. The 7 hour trip back from Sterling VA was during a rain storm so the Urq's lights, wipers, and radiator fan were all running for 7 hours striaght. A pretty good load for a 25 year old sports car with the electrics of a 1978 VW Rabbit.
2nd I stopped at a Dukin Donuts a mile from my house on my way back from PA/VA. I shut the car off to give it a break from it's 7hour ride. Got big cup of joe, jumped into Urq and turned the key. As I turn the key I fumbled it and it locks. I turn it off then turn it over and the car fires up no problem. As I begin to drive away window and wipers no longer work and low beams are back to being dim. I nurse the car back to my house in case the radiator fan is also compromised.
3rd a couple of weeks later I stop into Master Hobbies to talk with Mike Desi about my problem. Three areas are discussed, lock out switch, LRR and A/C switch. He had a similar problem with his as the A/C switch was triggered "on" with out his knowledge. Early 83's didn't have the seperate a/c "on" switch like the latter ones so it's quite possible my A/C is "on" but of course it never worked anyway. LRR I figured was the root of the non-essential systems not working seeing as those systems are shut off while power is rerouted to the starter as the key is turned to "start".
4th here's were the lock out switch maybe the issue. As I pulled the fuse box down it exposed a juction box that had recently seen some heavy duty current run thru it. One of the terminal connectors was melted an fell off as I unplugged it. even though one of the wires looks shakey, I found out today that it seems to work fine. I unplugged the rear of the juction box (one red wire with a small red "jumper"wire) and turned the key, nothing. My guess is that this is junction box is for the igniton. All wires in and out of fore-mentioned juction box (5 plus the jumper wire total) are red. All I did was unplug the back to find out the ignition didn't work. I had the shakey wire unplugged as I played with the LRR and all the dash lights worked, so I'm not sure were the others go and control. here's a crude diagram:
                                                                   I   < red wire?
                                   red Jumper wire > [I"""I]
                                                           [ I     I ]   <--------juction box(pt# 803 971 968?)
                                                       [ I    I     I    I ] <---------Juction box
                                                         I          I    I  
                                         Red wire?>I          I    I < Two red wires?
                                                                    I<red wire (this is the burned one)
Could it be the Lock Out Switch giving me the trouble? By replacing the LOS with a new one will my LRR work normally? My A/C has never worked so Could I pull the A/C fuse and relay to take it's influence over the radiator fan away? Or would that kill the fan totally? Could it be something else I've missed? All wires under the dash (except that single red wire running into that Junction box) look great. 
I've haven't started the car in over a month but when I did the fan never came on so I'm guessing the radiator fan is also killed by the LRR. What kills me more is the car runs fine, I could drive down to Bethany without A/C, windows and wipers but no radiator fan in a turbocharged car is just asking for trouble. I apologize for the long email but This is the first time in a month and a half I've had time to look at the Urq. The last couple of weekends have been booked and now I'm currently trying to get my finances back in order after my credit card number was hijacked by some Nigerian-Mother F'er (will get money back but a royal PITA having to research every transaction over the last month) so I'm a little stressed. Thanks guys! See you at UPG (I hope)((fingers crossed)) 
Mike C.

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