[urq] Bad wheel bearing: Right before UPG...! Help!

fdekat fdekat at sentex.net
Mon Aug 22 20:00:02 EDT 2005

Hello All:

So it's only a few days before UPG, and the urq knows it..!

THe 'funny noise' that it's been making the last few weeks has finally
decided to make itself known. Seems as if I have a bad front wheel bearing.

If I get one soon, I should be able to change it in time for UPG.

But I don't want to get one from 'the stealer', so...
My question is, "What does a front urq bearing translate to, in the 'normal'
Audi world"?

Mine is  an 83.5 urq, with the newer  4000q style suspension.  I'd like to
know what to be able to go into the local auto parts store, and ask for
something that they may have a listing for.

I'd suspect something like a 5000 turbo, or 5000 quattro.

But can anyone confirm for sure?


=Frank de Kat=

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