[urq] a/c expansion valve

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Wed Aug 24 11:59:13 EDT 2005

To my surprise, I've become extremely envious.  For some reason I've
never really seriously considered going to this event, yet it's
exactly the type of thing that I've traversed a minimum of half this
nation to do a dozen times over the last 15 years.

It's just not in the cards.  As it turns out I'm flying to the west
coast tomorrow for a friend's wedding this weekend, so maybe there's
some grander plan in the works.  Or maybe I'll just sit and fester as
I look at all the event pix in a week or so.  ;-)

I ran my urq to the bottom of E the other day and filled it.  21.3
gallons of high-test was $58.90.  Ouch.  My airfare to CA is only 4x
that and I'll arrive in less than 4 hours, gate-to-gate.  However,
instead of my urq, I'll have a Chevy Malibu or some such.  *sigh*

To all who are celebrating 25 years of quattro in Connecticut this
weekend (and anywhere else for that matter), be safe, take a deep
breath each time you fill up, and have a great time.


On 8/24/05, Brandon Rogers <brogers at terrix.com> wrote:
> I decided if I'm going to take 4 days off from work, leave my wife and 6
> month old for 6 days, and spend 4 complete days out of 6 covering 4000
> miles, I was damn well going to be comfortable.  No sense in missing work
> and family and spending $500 in gas to be miserable with windows down at
> 90mph or windows up and 100 degree cabin temps....
> but its going to be a great time I think.
> Oh yeah - and wear and tear - hey these things were made to be driven and
> I'm not saving my car for anybody - I'm going to use it up.
> Bill it would take a lot more than you giving me a hard time to hate - I can
> take it (all in good fun)
> Brandon

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