[urq] Abt fuel distributor

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at verizon.net
Wed Aug 31 00:25:54 EDT 2005

I like CIS. and sorry I will save the old parts, and the five new unused new 
injectors I have when I put SEFI on my bitch for more power, better fuel 
mileage . yeah period, CIS is stone age, you know where to look.
 Bestus Bill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <AUDIJIM at aol.com>
To: <10V_turbogroup at yahoogroups.com>; <Audi5TurboTech at yahoogroups.com>; 
<acna_pcc at yahoogroups.com>; <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 11:09 AM
Subject: [urq] Abt fuel distributor

> Waldemar Nieciecki wnieciecki at yahoo.com wrote the following:
>>What is so "special" about ABT fuel distributor? Just
>>to satisfy my own curiosity.
> To be honest with you, I don't know for sure, but I can tell you that is 
> has
> an Abt placard on it just above the Bosch placard that is riveted onto the
> fuel distributor. Abt may have done some internal modifications to the 
> F/D. There
> are no part number(s) on the Abt placard/sticker but the Bosch placard 
> reads:
> 0 438 100 098. For reference, the Bosch P/N on my UrQuattro F/D reads: 0 
> 438
> 100 123. It might be my eyes playing tricks, but the Abt F/D that is 
> sitting
> on my desk as I type this, looks beefier than the one I just looked at on 
> my
> Ury. Anyone have any concrete info on what Abt did to these cars?
> Jim Furdyn
> 1983 UrQuattro #170
> 1987 4000cs Q
> 1987 Euro 200/5000cs TQ 284,000 miles
> 1996 A6 Quattro Avant
> 1987 Mercedes Benz Truck model 1219
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