[urq] "Mail-man reminder" e-mail

Ed Kellock ekellock at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 11:38:32 EST 2005

This was a normal function of the list subscriptions long ago.  I haven't
seen one in many months but also just received one at each email address
from which I am subscribed.  My passwords were correct, however.  I'd prefer
they weren't stated in these emails and have chosen a one-off PW for the
audifans list because of it.  Nevertheless, aside from a password you don't
recognize, the receipt of that email is probably not concern for alarm in
and of itself.  I would question about the veracity of the PW though.


On 12/1/05, DGraber460 at aol.com <DGraber460 at aol.com> wrote:
> I just received the following which contains reminder passwords that I
> have
> never heard of. Did others get the same, and is that a red flag for
> something
> ominous?
> >>This is a reminder, sent out once a month, about your  audifans.com
> mailing list memberships.  It includes your subscription  info and how
> to use it to change it or unsubscribe from a list.
> You  can visit the URLs to change your membership status or
> configuration,  including unsubscribing, setting digest-style delivery
> or disabling delivery  altogether (e.g., for a vacation), and so on.
> In addition to the URL  interfaces, you can also use email to make such
> changes.  For more info,  send a message to the '-request' address of
> the list (for example,  mailman-request at audifans.com) containing just
> the word 'help' in the message  body, and an email message will be sent
> to you with instructions.
> If  you have questions, problems, comments, etc, send them  to
> mailman-owner at audifans.com.  Thanks!
> Dennis
> Denver
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