[urq] Interest in larger ur quattro intercoolers and carbon fiber "Sport" type hoods?

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 8 14:32:02 EST 2005

I remember seeing an intercooler on ebay some time ago that was supposedly a
Treser upgrade that looked like two standard intercoolers siamesed at one
end tank with a 2 or 3 inch gap between the two to leave a gap fit around
the engine nose mount (?). This too would have required moving the
alternator to the other side. Is this the sort of thing you were planning? I
tried for it but was outbid (I know my limits!) Never seen one before or


'87 WR

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Eiche" <seiche at shadetreesoftware.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:32 AM
Subject: [urq] Interest in larger ur quattro intercoolers and carbon fiber
"Sport" type hoods?

> Apikol engineering is looking at producing larger than stock replacement
> intercoolers for ur quattros that have the alternators relocated to the
> driver's side.  These intercoolers would have cast end tanks, Bell
> Engineering bar and plate cores, and would mount in the stock location
> with stock plumbing, albeit thicker and longer (take up the space
> vacated by the alternator).  The idea is to have a bolt-on solution with
> maximum performance.  Target price would be sub $1k.  An alternator
> relocation kit may also be offered.  We need a minumum of 10 or so to
> make it worthwhile to have molds made for the endtanks.  Email me or
> brendan at apikol.com for more info.
> Next, US made carbon fiber Sport-type hoods.  Yes, these are really
> happening.  The "model" fiberglass SGI hood has been fit and finished
> (over $1400 in bodywork to make it right - this included separating the
> inner and outer skins, etc.), and the manufacturer has been chosen.  I
> say Sport-type because these are shorter than real Sport hoods to match
> the front ends of normal type 85 cars.  Otherwise, they look identical
> to the Sport hoods. The hoods will be made of real prepreg carbon fiber
> in an autoclave by a facility that makes NHRA, Cascar and Nascar
> bodywork.  The hood is a bolt-on on 4k/qs, CGTs and ur quattros with the
> stock latches, but the airbox will likely need to be modified slightly
> on CIS cars due to interference with the vents on the right side.  This
> design incorporates the "cowl induction" features of the real Sport
> Quattro, but a Sport Quattro airbox (or equivilent) would have to be
> used to take advantage of it.   It looks like production will happen in
> January.  There will be two options only, a standard coating for hoods
> that will be painted, and UV clear coat if the hood will be left bare.
> Price will be $999 for the standard hood, or $1099 for UV clear plus
> shipping from IL.  If you are seriously interested, email me and I will
> send contact info for the shop that is having the hoods produced.
> Steve
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