[urq] Re: Heating-Ventilation

Max Hoepli mhoepli at vif.com
Fri Dec 23 19:22:54 EST 2005

I don't think it is a leaking heater core since there is no liquid in the
car. No smell.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "John S. Lagnese" <jlagnese at massed.net>
To: "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at vif.com>; "Quattro at AudiFans"
<quattro at audifans.com>; "Urq List" <urq at audifans.com>
Cc: <w-t_audifans at yahoogroups.com>
Sent: 18, December 2005 18:49
Subject: Re: Heating-Ventilation

> Leaky heater core?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Max Hoepli" <mhoepli at vif.com>
> To: "Quattro at AudiFans" <quattro at audifans.com>; "Urq List"
<urq at audifans.com>
> Cc: <w-t_audifans at yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:39 PM
> Subject: Heating-Ventilation
> Hello All!
> I have a 1986 Audi 5000 Quattro 4 door, the heating works, it becomes hot
> inside car, though the windows can fog, especially in the back, and fogs
> faster when there are more people inside the car. The rear defogger
> functions, when degogger is turned off, the back light will fog, turning
> defogger on again, the back light will unfog. The windows have been
> When turned on to "Auto" the vents on the left and right edges of the dash
> will unfog side windows in the front, better that center vents be turned
> to have more air exiting from the edge vents. At times I am driving with a
> very warm front cabin with temperature showing "HI"  with outside
> temperature of -4C but with foggy windows.
> I wonder if the vent like slots behind the rear speakers below the back
> light have any role in this issue of windows fogging. On the outside at
> bottom of C-pillar, just behind rear quarter window, there is a plastic
> covered section, painted the same as the body, I can peek in behind this
> vent like cover. I wonder if this has any role in the fogging of windows?
> Any suggestions to the solution of this fogging?
> Max
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