[urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks - or amIjustrusting out the rear muffler?

SpotatAshleys spotatashleys at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 31 15:55:53 EST 2005

One thing that I have done over the years on various cars to extend the life
of silencers (mufflers for the non-english speakers! - a muffler is "Old
English" for a scarf - I love all the different terminology we use, makes
our language more interesting. I remember some years ago Canadian friend of
mine looking at me in horror when I told her that we eat faggots in
England - they're large meat balls if you're wondering but I digress, back
to the topic) I drill a small hole (2mm or 3mm) at the lowest point in the
silencer, sorry, muffler. It's just enough to let the water blow/drain out
without iimpairing the performance or being fumey. If the MOT test mechaninc
is fussy over such things it is no big deal to plug the hole for the test
but I have never had one question it yet. My Daimler V8 has two such holes
in each muffler one at each end as they are fairly long and could contain a
lot of moisture.
It is even worth doing with some stainless mufflers (which the Daimler has)
because unless you know for sure that it is all stainless the internal
structure could be mild steel and will rot away just the same.
Hope this helps

Happy New Year


'87 WR
'63 Daimler V8 - both with drilled mufflers!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Buchholz, Steven" <Steven.Buchholz at kla-tencor.com>
To: <urq at audifans.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 31, 2005 7:36 PM
Subject: RE: [urq] Should I start and move my urq every 5 weeks - or
amIjustrusting out the rear muffler?

.. an Audi 5000 does not have the same exhaust as an ur-quattro ...
unfortunately ...

I never understood why Audi went to the trouble to use stainless steel
exhaust pipes on the ury ... but then used standard steel mufflers!  Your
concern is indeed valid ... especially if you have a catalytic converter ...
which creates gasses which form acids when mixed with liquid water ... which
then eat right into the cold rear muffler units.  If you are planning to
take the car out for regular runs it is good to be thinking about how warm
that rear muffler is getting.  You don't need to get it up to 100degC to get
the liquid water to evaporate, but 90degF may be a bit too low ...

Remember that now you've got alternatives to paying Audi $1000 for a new
rear muffler, the unit that Paul Fernandes sells is all stainless, and sells
for considerably less than that.  In fact I should have gotten one of them
for myself for Christmas ... difficult to justify spending money for that on
a car that is stuck in the garage though ...

Happy New Year to all urq and Audi fans!
Steve B
San José, CA (USA)
> I was told by my mechanic that my whole exhaust system is original on the
> 1986 Audi 5000 Quattro with 282,000 km. and I'm sure that many times the
> was driven without the exhaust system getting hot.
> > I have a 60 foot hilly driveway - so I drive it up and
> > down for 20 minutes to get everything nice and hot -
> > or at least I though.I noticed that the rear muffler
> > did not get hot when I did this on Nov 27.  I measured
> > it at less than 90 degrees.
> >
> > So I'm thinking of giving the car some exercise if
> > temps hit 45F, the negative seems to be that I might
> > just be filling that rear muffler with water.
> >
> > The car is in a garage - once every 5 weeks good as
> > some guys seem to go all winter without giving it
> > exercise.  Will reving it to 4000 rpm add or purge
> > moisture from that cool muffler.  I hear these
> > mufflers are $1000.
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