[urq] In the thick of it

Bill Bennett ur.quattro at comcast.net
Sat Dec 31 23:53:55 EST 2005

034 EFI ROCKS! My Son's 1986 MC 4000CSQTurbo restarted today 5and 1/4 hours 
after I started to remove the CIS and put in their system, it will hit 
pavement tommorrow, the exhaust note just at idle, to quote Jeff Lewis 
hitting 17PSI on mild aceleration with the same system? wooooooweeee. this 
is a car ready to burn pavement, too bad the Oregon State legislature 
thought it would be cute to make any ticket over 100 MPH a $1000.00 fine 
after 01/01/06, Javad and Christian and Ryan at 034 are great to deal with, 
I even got an over night shipment of some parts at 2nd day price, not out of 
error, not because I asked, because they chose to. yeah when it fired up you 
know who I called first, Christian got him in my new cell phone thangy.
Best New Year to All URQ Listers, Bill 

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