[urq] Brake Upgrades

Thatcher Hubbard thatcher.hubbard at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 10:08:49 EST 2005

The guys at quattro-nut (I think it's www.quattro-nut.org, but you may
have to Google it) had a setup where they'd take SQ rotors and then
machine a bit off the face of a pair of 944 turbo calipers.  I talked
to them about it for a bit.  They may have been working on getting a
pair of Monoblocks under a 15" wheel at the same time.

If you don't mind removing your calipers every year and cleaning them
out, you could put a pair of Wilwoods on it.

On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 21:08:10 -0500, Eric Renneisen
<racingiron at comcast.net> wrote:
> My brake problems (see previous email) remind me that I really want to
> ditch the G60 setup.  I want something better and lighter, but it simply
> MUST fit beneath the 8x15 Ronals, and preferably my spare set of Fuchs,
> too.
> I know the SportQ stuff is one option, but that sounds like big $ and
> probably not much lighter.  There were Wilwood and AP kits back when I
> looked at this for my '85, but I think both of those were race calipers
> without dust boots.
> Ideally, I'd like a nice light caliper and two brackets.  One bracket
> would be for use with the 15" wheels and either stock or A4 rotor (or
> aftermarket AL hat 2-piece).  A second bracket that allowed a bigger
> rotor (A8?) when using larger wheels would make a nifty track setup.
> I seem to recall someone mentioning a guy in the UK making brackets for
> using Boxster calipers under stock urq wheels.  Anyone have that info,
> or am I mistaken?
> Eric Renneisen
> '94 S4
> '90 CQ
> '86 urq
> '85 urq
> Chattanooga, TN
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